I obtained my B.E. degree in Information Security from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in 2012. During college, I was transferred to Feng Chia University (Taiwan) in 2010.
I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Applications Technology from the TCA lab at Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) in 2012-2018,
was co-advised by Professor Purui Su and Professor Dengguo Feng . After, I worked as a Postdoc at the Software Systems Security lab headed by Professor Dinghao Wu in The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in 2018-2019.
My research interests focus on software engineering and software security, including program analysis, vulnerability analysis and malware detection. I am now working on several projects, including:
- Dynamic program analysis
- Vulnerability discovery based on fuzzing
- Patch analysis and software supply chain security
📝 Publications
AirTaint: Making Dynamic Taint Analysis Faster and Easier.
Qian Sang, Yanhao Wang, Yuwei Liu, Xiangkun Jia*, Tiffany Bao, Purui Su
The 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P 2024, CCF-A) -
AFGen: Whole-Function Fuzzing for Applications and Libraries.
Yuwei Liu, Yanhao Wang, Xiangkun Jia, Zheng Zhang, Purui Su
The 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P 2024, CCF-A) -
LGBRoot: Local Graph-Based Automated Vulnerability Root Causes Analysis.📃
Yuanping Yu, Purui Su, Huafeng Huang, Xiangkun Jia
Journal of Software. (CCF-T1, in Chinese) -
A fine-grained assessment method of vulnerability impact scope for PyPI ecosystem.
Zibo Wang, Xiangkun Jia*, Lingyun Ying, Purui Su
Journal of Software. (CCF-T1, in Chinese) -
Research Progress and Trends in Software Supply Chain Security.📂Online
Xiangkun Jia, Yuan Zhang, Jia Yan, Purui Su, Min Yang, Dengguo Feng
2021-2022 China Computer Science and Technology Development Report. (in Chinese)
Understanding and Mitigating Label Bias in Malware Classification: An Empirical Study.
Jia Yan, Xiangkun Jia*, Lingyun Ying, Jia Yan, Purui Su
The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2022, CCF-C) -
DitDetector: Bimodal Learning based on Deceptive Image and Text for Macro Malware Detection.📂Code
Jia Yan, Ming Wan, Xiangkun Jia, Lingyun Ying, Purui Su, Zhanyi Wang
The Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2022, CCF-B) -
HTFuzz: Heap Operation Sequence Sensitive Fuzzing.📂Code
Yuanping Yu, Xiangkun Jia*, Yuwei Liu, Yanhao Wang, Qian Sang, Chao Zhang, Purui Su
The 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2022, CCF-A) -
Automatic exploitation generation method of write-what-where vulnerability.
Huafeng Huang, Purui Su, Yi Yang, Xiangkun Jia
Journal on Communications. Vol. 43 No. 1, 2022. (CCF-T1, in Chinese)
- InstruGuard: Find and Fix Instrumentation Errors for Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing.📂Code
Yuwei Liu, Yanhao Wang, Purui Su, Yuanping Yu, Xiangkun Jia*
The 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2021, CCF-A)
- Not All Coverage Measurements Are Equal: Fuzzing by Coverage Accounting for Input Prioritization.📂Code
Yanhao Wang, Xiangkun Jia, Yuwei Liu, Kyle Zeng, Tiffany Bao, Dinghao Wu, Purui Su
The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2020, CCF-A)
Towards Efficient Heap Overflow Discovery.
Xiangkun Jia, Chao Zhang, Purui Su, Yi Yang, Huafeng Huang, Dengguo Feng
Proceedings of the 26th USENIX Security Symposium (Security 2017, CCF-A) -
Automatically assessing crashes from heap overflows.
Liang He, Yan Cai, Hong Hu, Purui Su, Zhenkai Liang, Yi Yang, Huafeng Huang, Jia Yan, Xiangkun Jia, Dengguo Feng
The 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2017, CCF-A) -
Safety analysis and evaluation of security protocol implementation.
Xiangkun Jia, Jia Yan, Purui Su
Bulletin of Chinese Association for Cryptologic Research. Issue 6, 2014. (in Chinese)
🏆 Honors and Awards
- Supported by Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS
- Supported by the Outstanding Science and Technology Talent Program of ISCAS
- The First Prize of “ZongHengBei” RHG AUTOPWN
- The Third Prize of BCTF AUTOPWN (20200807), founded by Baidu
- Internet security scholarship of CHINA Internet Development Foundation in 2017
- National Scholarship in 2017
- Excellent graduate of Heilongjiang Province in China in 2012
💻 Professional Activities
- PC for Conferences including CCS 2025, FC 2025, AsiaCCS 2025, USENIX Security 2024, CCS 2024, ASE 2024, SANER 2024
- Sub-reviewer/Student PC for Conferences including SecureComm’2023, ACNS’2023, AsiaCCS’2021, ICICS’2021, ICICS’2020, CCS’2019, CNS’2019, S&P 2018, CSET’17, RAID’17, VARA’17, CODASPY’16
- Youth Editor for the Chinese Journal of Network and Information Security
- Sub-reviewer for Journals including IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Transactions on Software Engineering, Chinese Journal of Computers, Journal of Software, Chinese Journal of Electronics